We’re all about celebrating the wins around here — be it a game of backyard cricket with your seven year old nephew or the World Test Champs, a win’s a win. And sometimes, we even like to celebrate our own wins. 

The week just been, saw us chalk one up in our own ‘win’ column — we’re stoked to share, you can now get your Coffee Supreme from your local Countdown. So, before we hit repeat onEurope (yet again) and get back to what we do best (roasting, bagging and tagging) we thought we’d let you in on how we got here. 

For the past two years, a range of our coffees have been available in select New Worlds. We started off in one store and then it was a few and then a handful more and now, we’re proudly supplying fresh coffee to over 100 New Worlds. Throughout this journey, we’ve been able to hold our ground on a few fundamental values: we haven’t scrimped on quality (buying cheaper coffee to lower our price), the freshness is still true to our standards, and now, Kiwi’s across the nation can get a better bag of coffee. 

Seeing that we can stay true to what makes us Supreme while making it easier for Kiwis to drink better coffee at home, confirmed that we would be able to do this in Countdown, too. So, from now, you’ll find bags of our Supreme and Boxer Blends sitting pretty in the aisles of selected Countdowns. 

We have a little saying around here,Better Coffee For All. Part of this means being where the people are. So we think there’s a place for a locally owned, ethical, premium quality and fresher coffee on the shelves of supermarkets. And, without tooting our horn, we reckon we’re it. Choose local, choose fresh (it tastes better too). 

To see where your closest Supreme stockist is, head over to our Cafe Finder


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